15 January 2007

pinnacle moment...

Continuing on our conversation of self honesty, sharing truth with others and facing fears, my infamous coffee buddy and I were speaking tonight (and I am sooo *celosa* of the warm weather he is enjoying in Mexico) about when we choose to step up to the plate to make a difference either in someone else’s life, or more importantly in our personal life so that we can be closer to being whole, being our authentic self and consume all that life offers, able to give to the ones we love. For some, it is a continuous journey of introspection, and for others it can be a

…pinnacle moment: where something, a situation or choice, is thrust upon you

and you must decide to face your fears, embrace them and step up to the plate. Or, as some who are afraid to see inside and face the world, run.

I have often wondered what are the motivating factors behind stepping up to the plate, as well as choosing to run. There are some who recognize their fears and shortcomings, and say to themselves *I cannot run any longer, I need to be my authentic self and do what my heart desires, regardless of what others think* when they are given a pinnacle moment. Some recognize their fears and issues, yet choose not to make a difference, whether it be they do not know how to or do not care to do so. And finally some are not able to see the fears and issues at all. There could possibly be other scenarios and situations…

On the flip—what do you do when you strive to step up to the plate, yet the person whom you are with is not? Where are they on that continuum—can they see it at all, or are they in pure denial? If they do see the issues and fears that hinder them, do they acknowledge it? Or do they choose ignorant bliss? And finally, if we are in the place where we are working on our fears and issues and our loved one chooses to run, then what?

Ah…. Take a guess (I have said it before)…


We shall only know what we are to harvest if we let time pass.

And many hugs and kisses to my coffee buddy for reminding me of this tonight.

question: what was your pinnacle moment?


addie said...

I've had so many of those Im not sure I could pull just one.

At some point I think it all comes down to the same things, you get worn down and run, or you get sick of it for long enough to do something about it. whats the difference? I think you have to care enough for something to fight for it. It all comes down to matters of the heart.

ignorant bliss said...

It is a tough process indeed, and it can wear down both who are involved. Figthing for the one you love, to me, can be either putting all energy into rescuing the relationship, or letting the loved one go on their personal journey. I have had to do the latter, and only time will tell. I do know that his personal journey will make him a better man, and it allows us to part (and who knows for how long...) on loving terms. Should we have had to manage the relationship during his process, it would have fallen apart and we would have possibly grown to resent one another.

Love is tough, challenging and can hurt at times, yet in the long run, no matter what each needs to do to get to one another, it makes it all the more rewarding.