28 January 2007

perfect moment...

I need to make a better habit of visiting addie’s blog, www.placesiveneverbeen.com, more often. She is an amazing girl, one who is willing to take the risk of loving unconditionally with faith coupled in the hope of earning her heart’s wings.

So this morning while working at home, I dropped in to see what addie has been up to and read more of her personal writing. On the front page of her blog is a picture of a girl holding a fortune cookie paper that says “if you wait too long for the

…perfect moment: the perfect moment will pass you by.”

Sheesh. So true.

There is so much going on in this world, inside us and around us it seems almost impossible to identify the perfect moment. So much noise. The perfect moment is a brief second in a larger continuum of time, that uncertain period of what constitutes the *long goodbye*.

How do we decide when is the perfect moment? Do we go with the

(heart): go with what you feel


(logic): never let the emotions lead the way (Dad’ism)


(balance the feelings with logic???)

-pause here-

(kisses to addie): logic is the opiate of those who are afraid of their feelings.

On the flip—should we wait for the *oerlikon moment* instead-- when things come full circle, then decide? Wait, that is logic at the wheel, where is the heart in this? Or maybe the perfect moment was wrapped inside the oerlikon moment and hence has passed us by?

feel.love.wait.hope.think.breathe. (not necessarily in that order nor those ingredients)

I wish I knew the magic behind knowing when is the perfect moment… I guess the trick is to live life everyday with heart, soul and mind, loving others and sharing our gift. trust.the.process

question: what is your opiate?

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