02 January 2007

inner voice...

I have been spinning in my head over the past few weeks, getting in touch with things that I have shelved over the years. I am embracing that little person inside of me, telling her that everything is all right and things are moving smoothly, for there are many things that will be demanded of me over the next couple of months that are seemingly setting me in a whirlwind. My thought is that we all need to be in touch with our

…inner voice: the one that tells us to yield, the one that screams by making us dizzy, the inner child that wants to do whatever comes at hand yet needs to be harnessed

so that we as adults make the correct decision.

It is like a battle of the emotional over the logical. When thinking with our heads, that logical part seems to be connected with adulthood. And the times that we lead with our emotions it is embraced as letting the inner, immature child lead the way. How to make the balance still escapes me, for there is a purity and curiousness in the inner child that the world lacks.

On the flip—why not embrace the inner child? Isn’t that innocence the very ingredient that is missing from adulthood, the curiousness necessary to make bigger leaps? Could it be that by denying our inner child makes us complacent, going through our days like robots without feelings and without a sense of adventure?

Letting the emotions take the lead can be dangerous, yet at the same time going on pure logic can deny our spirit. Finding that balance is tricky to do, and even more tricky to have others appreciate as we swing to and fro between the two. Either way, both need to be embraced—it adds spice to life, keeps us on our toes while navigating us on the path that is the best for our lives and certainly interesting.

question: what does your inner voice scream?


peder said...

Reading your blog I often times wonder what makes her write just that. This is one of those times :o)

My inner voice is mainly concerned with stuff that I should keep to myself. About my boss, other peoples attitudes etc. etc.

ignorant bliss said...

I hope that you found peace with your inner voice today... I shall definitely be armed with my coffee mug tomorrow!