20 October 2006

things happen...

I remember when purchasing that business in Florida, the one I spoke about last month where my wonderful CPA challenged me with the notion that if you want something so much that you are willing to walk away, you are in the right place to make a decision. The purchase process was becoming rather cumbersome, there were quite a few parties involved and the interests varied, so needless to say some of us were having our patience tested. The transaction was bearing too much!

So I was on the phone with one of the sellers, and she too was tired of the process and wanted to see resolution. She, with greatest conviction, knew that it would pull through, for she said that I was the very type of person that makes

…things happen: having the innate ability to bring everyone together on the same page to see whatever it is that we are involved with come through.

I am gracious for her observation, for yes, it is true that I am an extremely dedicated individual and will place all of my strength into what I choose and will see it through. It is the very reason why I am a successful grassroots person—I can motivate just about everyone under the sun at the ground level, with impact at levels above, to make a difference. I have to smile, for that is one of the facets of becoming a courageous leader and a beautiful person-- coupled with a sense of fairness, balance, justice, compassion and the resolve to nurture others into becoming amazing beings. And of course those essences of being a leader need to be developed each day with presenting yourself with new opportunities and challenges. Ok, I digressed…

The transaction did pull through. Unfortunately a year later, I uncovered a few things that were not noticeable with the thorough analysis when at the table, so it ended up that I had to spin it off. No big deal, everything worked out in the end, albeit the process of closing things down at times was more than I could bear. I guess I made that part, the closure, happen too.

And then I started thinking about this concept today—the times that I have made things happen—and I came to my own flip.

On the flip—what if the true key to making things happen is that it should due to our inspirational energy that we bestow upon others, and NOT because of our *willing* things to happen?

I have done that too, made things happen, for the sake of moving things forward, by not holding back when I should have. And when I reflect on those times when I did, in the end it never really truly worked out in the long run. We may get fooled by our emotional high and the need for resolution that we push the process forward without just trusting it to happen, only in the end be left a few steps behind from where we started.

Needless to say, along with the development that I am undergoing these past few months, I am striving to not repeat it. I hold back a bit, not in an unhealthy way, yet in the way where I am balancing my passionate drive with thoughts. I can feel that I am on the right path, for the ventures that I am in right now are evolving they way they should, naturally, and the pay off will be sweeter than ever.

question: what are your things?


peder said...

Not sure I get the question this time. But following your train of thoughts I would like to ask you whether you have considered your decisions as being rewarding to people around you in another way as to meet some end? I mean, don't we all want to be part of a beautiful process (to use another of your words :o), and being part of that process, could it be more important than the goal?

I know - this is contradictory to our working in a company where the goals are putting bread on our table. Not the process. But life to me isn't about getting to the goal. We all know where life ends, and why hurry ;o) !

Are you a process or result oriented person? My guess would be: Both?

ignorant bliss said...

... thanks again for the lovely note!!!

I think that I am both... and even moreso after living in Denmark. Back home, the focus is strongly on the results, and here it is more process oriented. I have found myself more relaxed and not as anxious to see things through. Chalk one up for DK!

peder said...

u're welcome. Thanks for the opportunity :o)

Don't be too hard on your home country. I have known some really multi-oriented and great people over there!