23 October 2006

ask for...

Mondays are rather wicked, are they not? Last week was pretty much a holiday here in Denmark, so mostly everyone at the office was out for the week. And there is nothing more surreal than watching in upwards of 50% of your coworkers trying to navigate their day, dazed and laced with caffeine, getting back to the grind after nearly ten days of play.

I was indeed a bit rejoiceful, for Peder was back—the ultimate source of fabulous conversation coupled with well needed cup o’ joe intermissions—to sprinkle my day.

In the midst of our afternoon chat, Peder brings up a concept in which I adore rattling off the saying. Sometimes when we are caught in a bind, and a decision needs to be made, we can choose to

…ask for: forgiveness instead of permission

and take the jump. No matter what it may be, chasing our heart’s desire, taking an action that ordinarily would not be deemed appropriate at the given time. Sometimes we consciously choose to act, in spite of the consequences, deciding to pay later.

On the flip—is this, in essence, another trade off? Is it the *right* thing to do—knowingly violate the code to accomplish something? Or can it be a way to start the ball rolling towards needed change—where the outcome is beneficial for all, yet the means is somewhat unorthodox in nature?

We have all been confronted with this, and have chosen to forgo the permission route. Would this then be considered violating our values? Unless, of course, taking this route is a part of our value system… then we would not be violating anything. Whatever it may be, I tend to think that we possibly use this to rationalize our choices as we make our trade offs. The important thing, then, would be to bear in mind that should we choose to take this route, we are not harming anyone and are doing it to make create better beings… or is it an *unforgivable* notion to begin with?

question: what is your forgiveness?

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