29 October 2006

hang on...

So tonight, as I do one to two times a week depending on the schedule, I was rescuing diaries at www.dailykos.com. I consider it part of my duty in rolling change forward as we fervently, in the grass roots society, are putting our everything into getting progressive Democrats elected in the mid terms.

Most of the diaries are about what is going on now, almost to the point of ranting and raving. I agree with the excitement, and support the energy, yet sometimes we need a well needed break from it all to digest, reformulate, regain our ground and move the energy forward.

I stumbled upon an excellent diary, and then it indicted to me that music is my inspiration of late. Of course I recommended this particular well needed break, for the words of a song from the band Pink Martini were posted, from their latest album

…hang on: little tomato

And of course I rushed to their web site at www.pinkmartini.com to learn more.

Apparently they are based out of Portland, Oregon. And their music is described as a fusion of classical and Afro-Cuban. Muy cool. The latest album has songs in 6, count it, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 languages-- French, Italian, Japanese, Croatian, Spanish and English. You can even DL snippets to hear the flow.

So of course I snapped up a few of their 2 CD’s and sent them to my Dad since I will be in the US this coming weekend…. Lamont time!

Looking at the album cover for the latest CD, it is rather a feeling of awe that comes over you when you see the title. It emanates a sense of hope, for us all, in the sense that good things come to those who wait—whoever it may be. And the song itself *Hang on Little Tomato* alone can make you shiver. The words--

The sun has left and forgotten me
It's dark, I cannot see
Why does this rain pour down
I'm gonna drown
In a sea
Of deep confusion

Somebody told me, I don't know who
Whenever you are sad and blue
And you're feelin' all alone and left behind
Just take a look inside and you will find

You gotta hold on, hold on through the night
Hang on, things will be all right
Even when it's dark
And not a bit of sparkling
Sing-song sunshine from above
Spreading rays of sunny love

Just hang on, hang on to the vine
Stay on, soon you'll be divine
If you start to cry, look up to the sky
Something's coming up ahead
To turn your tears to dew instead

And so I hold on to his advice
When change is hard and not so nice
You listen to your heart the whole night through
Your sunny someday will come one day soon to you

h/t to RubDMC at dKos for posting this! http://rubdmc.dailykos.com/

Our little tomato can be anyone or anything that we wish to see come to fruition. It can be someone that we need to hold on, just a second longer, or even ourselves in order to see the day through. It is a testament to trusting the process.

On the flip—what if we cannot find our *little tomato* to see us through? What happens if we are so overwhelmed, we cannot see that hope of the *sunny someday* and instead will ourselves upon the process? The power of changes can make life so cloudy with chaos that we tend to over look the tomatoes waiting to ripen.

question—who, or what, is your little tomato?

1 comment:

peder said...

why - you, my friend and coffee buddy :o)

There are others of course. My little girl for one. As I am hers when I comfort her after she's hurt herself, or when she is just overwhelmed by the large and dangerous world out there. I wonder if we aren't each others small tomatoes off and on? I mean, isn't it the sum of all the niceties that we meet which brings us the joy in life?

Kind of like the buddhists who believe that our ultimate reward corresponds to the balance of good and bad we have done in our life. A bit more challenging than our christian shortcut that only require a single repenting thought for a lifetime of evil. Hmmm. Religion hasn't been touched yet here in your column. Perhaps better so - being the most frequent reason for the worst wars that we've seen. Not to mention persecution and killing of free thinkers - who usually are right.

I'm watching Master of Commander right now. Great film! A comment from the captain: "the wonders of the modern times we live in". Brings me to think of the future. Lets hope that in 100 yrs from now they can look back at us now and shake their heads over all the stupid things we let our leaders do. I mean - if Osama only had himself he'd have a hard time flying more than one plane into a building.

That took me a bit off track that. but it is a good film! Just want to say that in the absence of the true big tomatoes in life. Face it, we don't all have a Jennifer around all the time ;o) - lets be the small tomatoes to each other.