04 October 2006

the priniciples...

Election day is less than five weeks away, and as I sit here this morning I am thinking about my vote, and

..the principles: that I hold dear and consider non negotiable

when casting my vote. So with that in mind, I starting getting into a quandry of sorts, for Senator Bill Nelson (FL) has voted for things that violate my principles, particularly voting a *yea* to the recent Torture Legislation that pretty much gives Bush a *free get out of jail card* while putting innocent lives at risk.

So with that, I had to shout out to the DKos community this morning:


Good morning Kossacks from Northern Europe!

I am sitting here with my overseas registration, prepared to fax it some that I am registered in my last residence--Floriduh (ugh)--so that I can vote in November.

However, I am in a quandary of principles, and am not sure what to do. Having a discussion with you all would be of benefit, not only for me, but those of us who are dedicated, progressive Dems in the same boat.

Grab your parachute, time to jump...

I have principles and values that guide my decisions, as we all do, and they are solid. And we are all in the same boat with how we feel about the current Administration and those Dems who are not doing the job that we have elected (and paid, by the way, with our taxes) to make decisions that are humane, keep our Constitution intact and correct the poorly steered US policy. I myself am so dedicated to this, that I am flying to CT on 04 November to volunteer for Ned Lamont (big thanks to CT Bob for the help and pointers). Interestingly, I am not from CT (Jersey native here), and one would think I would even go back to my last state of residence to move things forward...

Ned Lamont, John Laesch, Jon Tester, Danny Stover (to name a few) represent what we all know--progressive, Dem values that reflect a majority of Americans' concerns and needs. And as I look at Bill Nelson (FL-D, Sen), I do not see them.

1) Predatorgate: whilst I admit that I am not a MSM person and get my fix from Dkos, FDL, C&L, I have yet to see Nelson publicly address his back yard Congressman Foley. Not so much in reprimanding him, yet holding all Repubs accountable for putting children at risk for the sake of saving their careers.
2) Castrating the Constitution and Blowing Off the Geneva Conventions: Bill Nelson voted yes and passed this hideous piece of legislation. We know the significance of it, potential consequences, who will benefit from it while others suffer. No need to expand on this.

I try and think of the legislation that Nelson has voted for that aligns with my principles. His position on living wills and the right to choose are in alignment as well.

Yet when looking at Predatorgate and the Torture Legisalation, I am at a crossroads internally. To vote for him now, to a degree, signifies an approval that I am not willing to concede.

How do you all balance this? How do you feel, what are your thoughts?

What would you do?

I look forward to this conversation, for I am sure that many of us are in the same boat. Yes, I have been a straight ticket Dem, voting in every election since I registered on my 18th birthday. I realize that we need to keep as many Dems in office, yet how do we balance our principles that we hold so dear, cast our vote, and be able to sleep at night, knowing that we are defying what we hold true and dear?

question: what do you choose?


peder said...

Ok, as I understand it: You have the choice of voting for someone you dislike, or someone who've got some twisted ideas about torture.

I don't have an answer for you, just a question: What kind of warped system prevent you to vote for someone you actually agrees with?

ignorant bliss said...

good one, too! even though our elected representatives should represent what we pay for and voted for, sometimes they tend to go astray. hence my issue with bill nelson. he is a Dem, and i have voted straight Dem since 1989. and i have a value system in place that guides me. Nelson voted for the Torture Bill, totally against my values! Yet he is a Dem, and if I decide not to vote, the Repub could win.... how do I sleep at night, voting for him?

peder said...

I suppose you sleep at night thinking that he might get wiser? I mean, do you have to agree 100% with the guy, when do you ever agree in everything with someone?

Ok ok, I know - it's not a small thing the torture bill.

South Park today had the same dilemma: Giant Douchebag or Turd Sandwich. Amuse yourself reading about it on www.strike-the-root.com

Mr. Kärchners words on conclusion:

"As you read this, you may be asking yourself what I intend to do on Election Day. Well, actually, um . . . I’m going to vote. I know, I know . . . I’m a hypocrite in light of my above statements. My plan, however, is to vote for a minor party candidate for president, and to vote only for those offices in which to my mind a sufficiently libertarian-minded minor party candidate is running. Any office lacking such an available candidate will remain unpunched on my ballot . . . which basically means that there will be about two holes punched in the whole thing.

And that, my friends, will be my last and final trip to the polls for the rest of my life. I’m giving one last great big middle finger to the system for my “last hurrah” as a voter by registering what is in effect a protest—purely for my own self-satisfaction—and then I’m done for good. No more voting for me . . . and I didn’t even need a twelve-step program! (Though I am seriously considering the idea of starting a “Voters Anonymous” support group.)

So I urge you to remember this on Election Day: a vote is a wonderful thing to waste."

ignorant bliss said...

i agree, i even thought about exercising my right NOT to vote!

yet we need to keep as many Dems in office now, and purge those who are not progressive out during the next primary cycle....

ugh! how can one vote for a candidate that support the torture bill??!!