11 October 2006

perfect strangers...

I was going to originally post this as *beautiful strangers*, yet then I realized it would be cliché and remind us of Austin Powers…

So with that, let’s get down to business.

Last night, while scoping my usual political blogs, I decided to step away from them for a bit. After a while, I hopped back onto DKos (www.dailykos.com) to a huge outbreak, a flurry of comments, e mails and posts in response to this:

from: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/10/10/20568/014
I'm exhausted, and I've exhausted all avenues of finding a job, a place to live, a live person to talk to, a way to stop suffering.
The answers have been unanimous - silence.
It is a myth that a person doesn't live in isolation. I disproved that.
I appreciate those who read my feeble attempts at writing diaries.
Thanks, too, to folks who commented here and there and who provided critiques and advice for writing.
The one thing that wasn't robbed from me was my own dignity, and that I'm taking with me.
Best to you all-
(Buffy Orpington—Dkos ID)

One of our fellow Kossacks decided that she could not hang onto her thread any longer, and posted this as her way of either a cry for help, or possibly...

Within a handful of hours, the DKos community sprung into action:

Boston Kossacks PLEASE HELP Buffy

Between many members, both in the US and worldwide, they were able to track down Buffy Orpington’s (DKos name) apartment, picture, call Boston PD, checked the hospitals, tracked her IP and found where she was when she posted it. They called upon the Boston Kossacks, who in turn went to her apartment, found her super, he confirmed her ID. They contacted her family, no leads. They are going to call her employer first thing Tuesday. They even found that in one of her diaries she spoke about having her dogs euthanized.

As of 11:00pm EST 10 October, she has not been found. At one point there was cause for joy, for it was thought that she had been located, however Brubs (Bostonian Kossack) reported that after he got the location tip from AngryMonkey (Kossack not from Boston), he searched for her personally, and was not able to find her. The evening ended with GreyHawk and Aerdrie leaving a note on Buffy’s door.

I broke down and cried. Not only for the soul of someone in anguish, yet also for the

…perfect strangers: people demonstrating the beauty of humanity in a dire hour selflessly, unbeknownst to one another

that pulled together so quickly, effectively from their amazing beings to help one in need.

We hope to find Buffy. It is being discussed currently to set up a fund for her, so that we can help her get back on her feet with whatever she needs, whether it be of material nature or emotional support. In fact, Kossacks are taking pledges now, and earmarking them for Buffy’s return. Many posted their comment, offering her a place to stay, to help her in any way they can.

I will definitely update this as we get more information.

And a big, loving hug to AngryMonkey, for all of her energy that she selflessly threw into finding Buffy, and identifying her diary as a signal to act. And for all Kossacks that jumped in to swim, you are sincerely the best and amazing.

Bottom line—when we go through our days, wondering where in the world are the swimmers as we see glimmers of inhumanity in our path, it is moments like these that remind us that there are beautiful, amazing beings, somewhere in this world. And with their determination and symbiotic nature, they draw upon each other to make a difference.

There really is not a flip for this, other than it is a curious thing to know-- why is it that not everyone in this world is driven by that same, brilliant spot from within to contribute to a healthy, loving difference in this world? Another subject for another time…

question: how could one not?

1 comment:

ignorant bliss said...

I will have to agree-- the largest weakness of our political system is that it is a two party system... not really a democracy, eh?

Plus, when only less than 30% even show up to vote on prez election days-- it is not truly *consent of the people*, hence again, not a true democracy.