17 October 2006

without risk...

Taking the jump, whether it is going towards the love of your life, choosing to take the path of beautiful people, or even as simple as changing your career can be a very scary thing. Looking at the risk, taking into account the benefits and potential consequences can prove very tasking indeed. We carefully analyze sometimes, or even follow our hearts, looking for the benefits to outweigh the risk. Yet in the end, it should be kept in mind that with all things we choose to do, that

…without risk: there will be no rewards.

Should we not choose to go for it, dare to swim, the rewards on the other side will never be known. The joy, love, inspiration that could lie in wait will remain a mystery. And should we choose to make this *wish* with our eyes closed and keep it to ourselves, we will be the keeper of our secret desire. And should we jump and bask in the rewards, even more the better.

On the flip—what is we miscalculate what the rewards are? In taking the jump, risking everything to see the benefits of the reward, it is possible that there are none. Complete rejection, loss of realization could be on the other side. *Trust the process* for it could very well be that we are not to see the rewards for quite sometime. There may very well be a development opportunity that is overlooked with our eagerness, and not getting our reward immediately serves that very purpose.

The inability to reap the reward on the first time around can also serve as a check and balance. Should we choose to pursue with risk, we at times may do so without pure selflessness, hence the delayed reward. And then again, anything deserving is worth every ounce of work put into it, including our growth as individuals. To become an amazing being it takes drive, commitment, the willingness to delay the reward when necessary, only to evolve into a beautiful person who makes this world a better place.

question: what is your reward?


peder said...

Reward. Or goal, perhaps also? We have sort of a saying here. People strive for the 3 V's: Viv, volvo and vovse. In that order. It has to do with what you strive for. The volvo perhaps signifies the status symbols that people need to show themselves off to the neighbours. I dunno.

I see life a bit different. As a series of events. Or time periods. Each have a different setting. For some people perhaps the same all life, for others a new every month. It has to do with seeing it as the journey instead of the goal. Or getting to the reward at the end of the rainbow.

In that sense one gets a different perspective I think. That every moment counts in itself, not as a means to achieve something, whether it be the 3 V's or the search for something that will make you beatutiful. Because who is not beautiful? We came into the world like that and what if that did not change?!

peder said...

Reward. Or goal, perhaps also? We have sort of a saying here. People strive for the 3 V's: Viv, volvo and vovse. In that order. It has to do with what you strive for. The volvo perhaps signifies the status symbols that people need to show themselves off to the neighbours. I dunno.

I see life a bit different. As a series of events. Or time periods. Each have a different setting. For some people perhaps the same all life, for others a new every month. It has to do with seeing it as the journey instead of the goal. Or getting to the reward at the end of the rainbow.

In that sense one gets a different perspective I think. That every moment counts in itself, not as a means to achieve something, whether it be the 3 V's or the search for something that will make you beatutiful. Because who is not beautiful? We came into the world like that and what if that did not change?!