31 October 2006

my twist...

Boy am I doing better than last night!

I got up this morning to the deadlines, lack of time and myriad of tasks that for the morning I was pretty taxed in angst. Then I went to the loo, looked into the mirror, and reminded myself that what I am going trough is normal, it is *ok* at times to feel as if you are drowning in perceived inadequacies. By lunch time I was well on my way back, having woofed my meal in 15 minutes and headed back to the beckoning computer screen to march on. Isn’t it amazing the power of accomplishment?

So heading home I realized that it is Halloween, yikes! It is not celebrated here, so to a degree it slipped my mind. Then I began giddy, and realized that it is time to throw

…my twist: an unsuspected behaviour or reaction

into the blog tonight. Ready?


In the spirit of Halloween, I will start with one… and you guys can fill the gaps.

On the flip—(could not have exited without one!). Isn’t it interesting that in the times that we deal with stress, unhappiness or even morbid moments, we can lean on laughter to get us through—a reactionary behaviour that is unsuspected for the occasion? That is my twist when I am uncomfortable—I tend to disarm with humor. Reminds me of when I was at my grandmother’s funeral, it was so difficult that I was laughing out loud, joking with a few friends of the family during the services. My Dad was furious, to say the least…

So… (here we go)

How come the witch was not able to get pregnant by the ghost?

… he has a hollow weenie!!!

(get it?)

question: what is your twist?

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