12 October 2006

little earthquakes...

I am facing *the day after* now, the one where we take a look back, understand why things happened the way they did, only to finally realize that everything has fallen into place for a reason. Now that I am at that point, I can finally feel

…the little earthquakes: my small awakenings in my spirit that tremble from within,

that change the surface of the soul a bit, adding new crests and valleys in which we are to navigate.

Isn’t it amazing when we get to this point? After all of the happiness and tears, particularly the tears where we thought we would never pull through, all of a sudden become clear? And we shed those tears again, yet this time it is for joy and love, those of acceptance, acknowledgement and complete understanding. It moves us, rattles us, eventually to the point where it becomes us—alive, breathing, feeling, every emotion and thought we had believed we would never meet. Ever. And those new emotions and realizations, albeit freeing, do come at a little price. It can hurt to process them, feel them and release them… however it must be done. Have to make room for growth!

This is paramount to the pilot, above it in an incomprehensible way. Whereas the pilot is above us, ready to take us to another journey, it is the little earthquakes that slightly change the landscape—so that we are a different person for the next challenge. With the little earthquakes we have truly developed, ready for the next stage.

On the flip: and thanks to Peder for posing this! Why not be our own pilot? Our own source of inspiration? Taking the little earthquakes, the new landscape, along with our touch points through our days, and incorporate it into our development into becoming better pilots? Brilliant, and so spot on! Peder nailed it on the head—we need these development opportunities to balance and center us, allowing us to identify our values

I am not able to articulate this, yet we all know what our little earthquake is, right? It is beyond inspiration… it is a revelation, one with a new awakening. The landscape has changed and therefore time for new beginnings.

question: what, or who, rocks your world?

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