17 November 2006

next level...

Yes, I know, have not been around in a few days… let’s just say that time passed faster than expected and the plate is overflowing!

Master thesis… uh, well it is due Monday at noon, and I have such the way to go—the best way to look at it is that I am most thankful I have about 72 hours left to wrap it up. So I have been busy with that, work, salsa lessons minus the ones offered last night, for I took some time away from salsa to instead have my personal development taken to the

…next level: with an open mind and commitment to evolve with the helping hand of another,

continuing the journey of a better being in every way, shape and form.

Wanna know what *it* is that I did? What I have committed myself to as I continue my journey?

Kudos to two individuals, well, three actually who got me to this point to take THE leap last night.

- me, for being brave and plum crazy enough to do it while life has been exhilarating yet more than its share of chaotic
- martin, for guiding me and protecting me as I dove, and
- the beautiful one who inspires me so

I… drum roll….

(Dad, I know you are reading this and yes I understand!) 

I have become a non smoker, making the decision to continue my personal journey smoke free, through the assistance of hypnotherapy.

Wow is all I can say… it does not stop the cravings for nicotine, yet it lifts from your subconscious what ever feelings/anxieties that were tied to the need to smoke. I have not craved to engage in the physical act of smoking at all so far, only my body is aching a bit. And my mantra, when she aches, is *my body craves healing, it does not crave nicotine*. Basically, it opens you to the freedom to choose without the restraint of some hidden emotional need to force you to make the same decision again and again. So as I crave nicotine, I choose not to act and start smoking. Smelling smoke, seeing others smoke does not affect me. And I smoked like a banshee when writing and I have been just fine (always smoked outside, never in the home nor in the car)… even when minus 40 degrees!

(I can feel my Dad’s eyes rolling… smile Dad!)

On the flip—what about that will power? Is it weak to ask for help, even if it can be perceived as unconventional, to get us to the next level? Is going towards a challenge alone making us all the better?

Personally, whatever resources and energies of people we use to get to the next level makes it all the sweeter—as long it is of healthy intentions grounded in the love of others and humanity. We are all in this world together, are we not? And that stigma of shame that is attached to asking for help needs to be removed, and it starts when we ask one another to help us achieve greater things together.

question: who, or what, can get your *it* to the next level?

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