23 November 2006

little gifts...

Today is a rather interesting holiday in the US—Thanksgiving Day. It is the day where we give thanks, spending time with family and friends all day, sharing a wonderful meal, watching football (NFL) and then heading for that meal calming walk in the afternoon among mother nature’s bustling winds with the remnants of her fireworks, blissfully blowing on the streets at times like little wind devils.

And that got me thinking about what I am thankful for. Or to whom am I thankful? Regardless, we all have a

…little gifts: reflecting love, inspiration and hope

somewhere in our lives, to which we are thankful. It can be anyone or anything, and it has a profound effect on our lives.

Mine? Still a little secret, yet I am so thankful each night as I lay to sleep, and even more so this evening, for tomorrow brings me that special day. After all, little gifts that we keep to ourselves make them all the sweeter and more powerful in moving our spirits to the next level.

On the flip—what if there seems to be no *little gift*? At times we feel overcome with adversity to the point that we cannot even see straight, yet why not look at those things that seem negative as a gift? Were it not for that “unfortunate” force of energy, we would have made another choice that would not allow us to continue on the path that we journey upon.

Either way, whether it is rooted in laughter and love or a spawn of negative energy, some things, the smaller ones, are rather significant.in the impact they have on our lives. And to which, we are thankful.

question: what, or who, is you little gift?

1 comment:

peder said...

At some point someone told me that some people actually wander around feeling guilty because they are the one little cell that made it - all of those other potential brothers and sisters didn't. And that makes them sad, and guilty.

My gift is that I made it through that long and winding road, wiggling, pushing and shoving to get there first! :o)

Every day I look at a little wonder that didn't make it on its own. Had to be helped the last bit of the way. You know what I'm talking about. That's my second gift.

Then there's all the small gifts. Like the smile on the face of close friends. Or a great cup of tea just at the right time.

We don't have thanksgiving here in DK. We do, however, still celebrate the burning of witches and cat-beating at fastelavn. But ok, that last one I can understand especially when they're going for the nice little fishes!