04 March 2007

my hero...

I think it is a wonderful thing when we chase our dreams, in spite of the odds in front of us. The odds can be self imposed, from our childhood, or just the sheer challenge itself is steep. Or a combination of the three.

Usually it is a combination of the three—our fears and questioning our abilities, coupled with our being raised in a way where we may deep inside feel insignificant, alongside a difficult task. You fill in the blanks with the features, like a math problem…. X + Y + Z =??

We never know what another’s obstacles are, yet when they triumph we should celebrate those who overcome, even if we do not know what deep rooted self challenges and self talk lie beneath the surface, so with that a huge shout out for

…my hero: a colleague who embarked upon an amazing journey

of both physical and spiritual today—he finished the Barcelona Marathon!

I think of all the training he did, the excitement when he finished running his first long distance run (marathon length) and bounced into the office the next day with the largest smile he has ever sported (well, at least at work!).

And that got me thinking, why do we strive so hard at times to prove something to ourselves… or are why trying to prove our validity to someone else by taking on huge, almost insurmountable tasks? Only we know deep inside…

On the flip-- what happens if we do not look deep inside ourselves and understand why we strive to achieve, or for some, over achieve?

Easy, we are possibly running from our lives. Living for others, being held responsible for their feelings and expectations, will lead us running for sure… away from our self, the one we love and our lives. Only we know our truth.

I guess that is why we have marathons.

Congrats to Henrik T!!! He proved to himself that he can do it. He did it! Now, the big test is tomorrow… walking around seeing the sights…

question: what is your longest distance?

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