30 September 2006

never the...

I just got off the phone with my Dad a short while ago, having an engaging conversation about life, the opportunities she brings, the ones we take, the ones we mistake. He is such a cool dude! I am so thankful that we are so close as adults, with a balanced relationship full of respect.

My Dad over the years has instilled these little *nuggets* of brief, wise sayings that give you pause. Tonight was no exception, and he brought up one of many in our conversation that has stuck over the years—it is

…never the: right time to do the wrong thing.

That always gets me thinking and reflecting. We may focus on doing the *right thing*, making the best choice and the correct decision without contemplating from where the source of the decision comes from, that we end up doing the *wrong thing*.

On the flip: what if doing what is perceived as *the wrong thing* brings about needed change that would not have transpired without it? Would we grow always focusing on *the right thing* to the point that we do not make mistakes from which we will learn and develop?

Or is *the wrong thing* explicitly implies doing something that is perceived as wrong knowingly? And are both the right and wrong thing a matter of looking back, as opposed to looking forward? Either way, it is based on our value system and what we assign meaning to what is right and wrong. If our values are not aligned and healthy, the differentiating between what is right and wrong, thing wise, can be rather murky.

question: what is your thing?


peder said...

Doing wrong things for the sake of learning is to me a bit like going back to being a child. They constantly do things without thinking about the consequenses, and must obviously some times do some wrong doing. Which brings me to my point: If you in your actions think just a bit on what the consequenses may be then it can seldom be the wrong thing. If not, you're being childish :o)

ignorant bliss said...


I think you may have hit it spot on-- making the right decision at the time that it is made, with the information and feelings that are on board that very minute.