08 September 2008

am I there yet...

Well, for sure I am still here!

Again, so much has passed over the months I have woken up to realise that I have not held my end of the deal here. So much has happened, my world has been spinning, and at the same time I have had the most amazing opportunities to grow over this past year that I am beginning to wonder...

...am I there yet: have I reached the point in my life where I am ready for "the experience of a lifetime"?

And what actually is "the experience of a lifetime", anyway?

It is a very personal thing for all of us, and it has our own meaning. For me, it is to find the love of a lifetime, and the details I will spare you. The bottom line, someone to share the experience of life and all it has to offer.

As I journey alone, I do create my own experiences, each and every day, and I am enjoying every minute of it-- both the joyous and sadness. It is what makes us human.

And getting there over the past year here in Switzerland has been one heck of a journey! And I have also realised that even though I have gained so much, I have not shared with you all what the "its" are. So I will over the course of (whatever time it takes) share what I have learned and faced. Specifically,

- managing emotions (they are neither positive nor negative, they just are!! and the good news is that they pass)
- managing negative thoughts (yes, we have them, the trick is that many think the thought creates the emotion, yet I have learned that the emotive state creates the thought, for we assign meaning to the emotion with thought-- some so deeply buried from over the years we may not even know WHY the emotion is there, it just is)
- accepting that people come into our lives to give us the choice to grow
- facing even more dimensions of who I am, new ones that have popped up over the past year
- how to honor myself and my passions without feeling... guilty
- how to live in the moment and not overplan (yes, planning is avoidance!)
- embracing synchrodestiny (hint... grab "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" by Deepak Chopra)

And a whole host of other things.

So... am I ready?


And... and am I deserving?


And are you?


So let's enter a conversation over all the above points and get to the bottom of it all-- that we are human, we are wonderful beings and deserve to listen to our hearts and follow suit.

The above could not have been possible without the beautiful people and experiences I have had so far here in Switzerland.

And, I have to say, I owe it to a colleague at work for getting me back on track with my blog. Thanks for the kick in the pants, Cheeky Monkey!

On the flip-- how do we know when we "get there"?

The trick is, we never know. And we are not supposed to know... that is the gift and mystery of life. In trusting the process, along with our instincts (feelings!) we always land where should for the moment for a greater purpose. In the end, we all do arrive. As we should.

question-- what is your "there"?

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